Contest alert! Are you a regular at TIFF? Is the festival more like a yearly pilgrimage? Or perhaps you’re one of those that always plans to catch movies at TIFF but never quite manages to get his/her calendar together? No matter your story we know you love movies which is why we’re going to help make this TIFF one of your most memorable.
With the Toronto International Film Festival right around the corner, we want to get you up-close and personal with the stars. As such, we’re giving a pair of tickets to the exclusive festival screening of #DonJon at the Princess of Wales Theatre on Tuesday, September 10th. That’s right, you have the chance to see and hang out with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Scarlett Johansson, Julianne Moore & Tony Danza. All you got to do is:
3) Tweet this post using #DonJon
4) Leave a comment below
-Good Luck-
#DonJon, celebrities, contest, Don Jon, Free Tickets, Giveaway, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Julianne Moore, Movies, scarlett johansson, TIFF, tony danza, Toronto International Film Festival
General, Promotions Your Chance To See The Stars Of Don Jon [CLOSED]
Shaeleigh Afton is Gotstyle's Digital Marketing Manager.
She loves cats and giving her honest opinion.
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Why yes, I would like to go see Don Jon premiere and trade style tips with JGL
Seeing Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the flesh would make all my TIFF dreams come true!
I would LOVE to see Don Jon & Joseph Gordon-Levitt : ) thanks!
Absolutely the only movie I truly wish to see at TIFF this year! As huge #GotStyle fans and frequent shoppers, my boyfriend and I would love to be a part of this!
Looking forward to the 2013 edition of TIFF! The festival’s line-up of quality films just gets better and better each year.
Been hearing a lot about this movie, would like to see it. #DonJon
Missed out on tix to this one and would love to see it!
Looking forward to TIFF 2013 and seeing Don Jon!
Love getting my style on especially with Joseph & TIFF!
Excited for this one!!!!
Looking forward to TIFF 2013 and attending the premiere of DonJon!
Amazing cast in this film, would love to see it and meet them in person!
Oh this is definitely on my list of films to see for TIFF! I have a friend who is dying to see it too!
Would LOVE to see #DonJon!
Can’t wait to win those tickets to see Don Jon and meet such a beautiful and stylish cast! Thanks GotStyle!
Excited for this film! + I would probably melt if I got to meet Scarlett Johansson.
Definitely excited to see Don Jon. Gordon-Levitt is legit!
I promise not to ask “JGL” about Batman and “ScarJo” about Avengers…
:O please pick me
TIFF 13 is going to be awesome, it would be even more awesome if you picked me to win this contest so I can attend the #DonJon screening with style.
This movie looks great
pick me
As an avid follower of JGL’s HitRECord, I’d love the opportunity to see Don Jon’s Canadian premiere!
I would love to win! Tiff is fantastic !
I have done all 4 steps! Thank you so much for this opportunity!
I am such a fan girl when it comes to JGL. I support all of his movies!
I would love to see this movie! Two of my favorite actors are in it, what more could I ask for
Please choose me!
hook me up! xD
Amazing contest from my favourite men’s clothing store! This movie looks like it will be a lot of fun and what a bonus it would be to see it at TIFF!
I tried getting tickets to this, but didn’t succeed. Would LOVE a chance to see this screening
I would LOVE to see DON JON! What a great TIFF experience that would make!
I would love to see Don Jon, JGL is the best!
Fingers crossed!
I would love to see this movie. Love JGL and Scarlett Johanssen. Thank you!
Looks like a great movie! Happy TIFF everyone!
JGL, Scar Jo, J Moore, Tony Danza and GOTSTYLE. That’s Boss!
TIFF gets the city buzzing like no other time of the year. Would be great to be a part of this !
I think meeting Joseph Gordon Levitt would be a great experience. We could swap ideas on films and books!
Would absolutely love love love to watch this movie! Would make my year!
awesome contest! would love to see this, it looks great! thanks!
Looking forward to catching JGL’s directorial debut and making my first trip to GOTSTYLE to look for a tux – Should be a memorable TIFF!
While most people might be eager to see the always stylish Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Scarlett Johansson and Julianne Moore, we all know who’s the boss in this film… 😉
Gotstyle and Tiff. A good fit!
Waited 2 1/2 hours on a sunday morning to find out they were gone. Would DIE to see this!
I would love to get to see my bf JGL live!!
Well, I would love to trade fashion info with JGL, that’s for sure!
There’s only a few things I really care about this TIFF season:
1. My style
2. My swag
3. My camera
4. My tickets to this screening*
*Don’t disappoint 😉
Joseph Gordon-Levitt is amazing and I’m stoked to see his directing and writing debut!
I saw the trailor of #DonJon, wow! Want to see how it plays out with Tony Danza & Scarlett in her breakout role.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
5 things that I carry around during TIFF 2013:
1) My SWAG
2) My GotStyle Sense
3) Confidence
4) Energy
5) Winning this contest to see the celebrities
Yo guy! Let’s get it! And MoVernie is outta here!
Oh dear, look what i’ve started 😛
All this for the only men’s STORE that gives awards to movies….CHECK!
Everyone loves a happy ending!
Would love to chat to JGL about his time as Tommy?
Hope I win
Steps 1-4 completed. Thanks for this awesome contest!
Thanks for the opportunity
I would LOVE to win tix to this movie – it sounds fantastic!
Done, done, done, & done. Fingers crossed.
Yes please! Dying to see this movie!
I’d love to see don Jon on Tuesday September 10th!
I would love to go to the Don Jon premiere!!!
Completed all the steps!
Would love to go to this film! JGL4eva!:)
Completed all the steps!
Would love to go to this film! JGL4eva!
Ready for step 6) See film
Would seriously live to get tix to this tonight! Feel like I’ve waited #500DaysOfSummer for this! Haha, no but really – Since the #Inception of this movie I’ve been in a #PremiumRush to see it! Pick me pleaseee!