What’s New: Milly Millionaire

Comments (10) New Arrivals

Milly Millionaire is the latest from Toronto’s young designers: Daniel Milstein provides vivid imagery and powerful colours that find influence from such musical artists as Andrew McMahon of Something Corporate/Jack’s Mannequin, Jay-Z, and Pete Wentz. Great way to finish the season off with a resounding splash.

Three different styles to choose from, priced at $40 each. Pop by and take a look!

10 Responses to What’s New: Milly Millionaire

  1. Ari Goldenberg says:

    Are you serious!? This blog has been officially discredited! This is not fashion, this is not style. This is anti-style it’s as if a 20 something year old created a line of graphic prints (those of which lack true personality and creativity). Honestly any graphic design student could have designed something that was actually unique and interesting after 2 beers and a joint. It looks like the owner of the company had taken a cop out by branding himself. He is a nobody, self branded companies only become successful when the person they are branded after is a name people are familiar with. In a world of Mill St, and Miller… the name Milly gets washed out, let alone has no true brand creativity.

    Sorry GotStyle Mens Wear. EPIC FAIL. If you think this is style, I strongly believe you need to reconsider what you are exposing your followers to.

    This brings consumer whore’dom to a whole new level, by a a nobody branding himself as a somebody and a fashion blog actually thinking it was a good idea.

    Shame on you. Sorry was it Milly Millionaire, or Billionaire Boys Club?… it’s been done, so why do it again.
    These prints belong at Forever 21 or H&M with the 1000 other pieces of mass produced graphic tee blurs on the sale rack beside the argyle socks. Oh and the price tag should only read $5.99, with an additional 50% off.

  2. Melissa says:

    This IS a collection designed by a 20 something year old that took the initiative to start his own t-shirt line and is trying to brand himself in a market that is very brand driven. Most new designers are nobodies but they understand that their image is as important as their designs and nobody in today’s world would start a collection without branding themselves first with a logo, website, blog etc.
    His t-shirts styles may not speak to me personally, but they have sold, and at Gotstyle anyone who has the courage to start their own collection (be it t-shirts or clothing) and hustle for business will always be given a chance.

  3. Josh says:

    I Rock It On Stage,
    At a Party,
    Chilling with Friends,
    whenever i get the chance.

    peace out all you haters.

  4. Josh K says:

    I think it takes alot of balls to try and brand yourself right off the bat, but it’s a huge NEEDED step. I love the style, colour and lines.

    The price is very reasonable too, keep up the great work!

  5. Michael says:

    I saw the Milly Millionaire Clothing stuff at the store a few days ago and I loved it. I am a late 20s guy, travel a lot and have seen a variety of cool clothing companies and interesting items along the way and I must say that I give this designer respect for being able to put together something and pushing it into stores. Its a tough industry to get into but you have to start somewhere. Gotstyle has my respect awarded to them for allowing young designers and aspiring creators to place their items into a store and show it off to everyone. I took a look at the website, the branding is very cool, its fresh and hip. I dont think there are similar brands around and I understand that this might not be a typical gotstyle brand, however I do see why this store is carrying it- its because its different and cool. Respect to Milly Millionaire.

  6. Better Luck Next Time says:

    I must agree with Ari Goldenberg. First off, starting your own clothing line mainly requires the “designer” actually creating pieces of clothing. Not printing them on tshirts. You can go to any mall and for 10 bucks get what you want printed on a tshirt. Then charging 40 bucks for a tshirt that honestly anyone can make is a joke. As well, how many logo’s do you have? From your website, I count about 3 different logos. Does nike have 3 logos? How about Hugo Boss? Having so many different logos confuses the public. If you want to start your own clothing line, it is going to take more then printing graphics on tshirts. Learn how to create garments.

  7. Marc says:

    Don’t take Ari’s comment as hate, just take the criticism as it is and evolve for the next collection. I agree with Melissa and Michael on this one… it takes balls to hustle a new t-shirt line and people will either love em or hate em at first.

    It’s only the beginning for MILLY MILLIONAIRE and would love to see this kid make it…

  8. matt says:

    This is just expensive band merch.
    Anyone can “start this line”. Sure you got it into stores.
    still doesn’t change the fact you are
    Screen printing on aa shirts like any
    Other band out there.
    Also looks like a 5 year old designed them
    Really lame shit

  9. Michael says:


  10. Eric says:

    Sure, GS ‘it sells’ but it’s still crap. Lots of crap sells but that doesn’t make it any good. If sales were the only gauge then you could say Moore’s suits are fantastic and McDonald’s must be a phenomenal restaurant.

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